New bears settling in
29 May 2008, 19:47PM
As the earthquake outreach goes on I know that many people are wondering about the health of our new bears. Naturally we’ve had to postpone all but the most urgent of surgeries as our vet team really don’t want a sleeping bear on the table as another aftershock hits. (The latest on Monday afternoon literally rocked the chairs during our meeting.)
All bears seem to be doing well, but we are a little worried about Bosham, who seems to be having mobility problems. Heather and Lara and team are keeping a close eye on him, but all other bears are doing pretty well.
Plug, bless him, still has the occasional burst of irritation, but his character is warming to all the good things that life at the sanctuary brings - and he loves his diet of bear and dog biscuits!
We’re now almost sure that Watermelon is blind, but he’s happy and his mobility seems improved - which sees him standing for longer periods of time. He has begun asserting himself more too and now vocalises in expectation of mealtimes or if he sometimes drops his food. Luckily our caring bear team workers know to scoop up any remains and gently hand-feed him with the last specks of his meal.
Walking out of the poly-tunnels yesterday afternoon, I suddenly heard the familiar attention-seeking raspberry sounds that gorgeous Haribo (nicknamed Poodley) makes with his mouth - and rather coincidentally found a little rice cracker biscuit in my pocket which was promptly devoured in seconds by this funny little bear. Hopefully soon Heather and team can start on the major abdominal surgeries, which all the new bears will need and we’ll pass on updates as we progress.
Meanwhile Nic and our bear managers and workers have discovered a new joy of life for these bears - none other than something called “stinky tofu”. Oh my goodness - it smells like drains, but the bears adore it, and lovingly eat it or roll in it for all the world like a dog with a cow pat. Well I think you get my drift.
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