Wilfred's fan mail

PS: Judy Blythe, one of our brilliant volunteers who was out here helping to care for Wilfred, saw the last blog and couldn't help herself, gushing about this gorgeous boy. Poodley (now Haribo) is also doing brilliantly well today.

Here's Judy's message:
It was with tears running down my face that I read the lovely story of Watermelon on the grass - that fantastic boy has finally made it outside!!!

Who could forget him in the hospital - alongside poor bloated and sickly Poodley splashing in his water bowl as he entertained himself after his choley - he hardly even noticed he had been "done"?

I must admit I whiled away lots of time filling his bowl with water as he splashed it all over the floor and all over his face (then looking startled as if someone else had splashed him!) Brilliant news.