Eddie highlights Cat and Dog Welfare work

Please join me in congratulating our fabulous Cat and Dog Welfare Team for the production of this new info video featuring our very own rescued "meat" dog, Eddie, and his friends.

As explained by Irene Feng, our Cat and Dog Welfare Director, "The film highlights Animals Asia's years of work promoting cat and dog welfare in China. From improving public awareness, to co-operating with the government, empowering local groups and running emergency rescues. The China Cat and Dog Welfare Programme has worked tirelessly over the last decade to spread love for animals and raise awareness of the cruel and corrupt cat and dog meat industry." Read more here.

Eddie's life was saved when he was rescued from a live-animal meat market in Guangzhou, China. Since then he has touched the lives of so many people, offering affection and friendship when they are most in need.

Eddie market Guangzhou

Eddie Dr Dog

Eddie Dr Dog visit

Please spread this link far and wide and help us to keep spreading the message that dogs and cats are our friends, not food.