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Over a million hits for moon bear film

29 February 2012, 20:22PM |

Well over one million people in China have now watched the film, “The Moon Bear”, with the overwhelming outrage that bear farming deserves. Finally, the torture, the surgical mutilation, the profound suffering of these animals is now a major subject of public debate.


China rises against bear farming

24 February 2012, 20:37PM |

These past few weeks have seen indescribably exciting times with people across China now making their feelings very clear and calling for bear farming to end.


Moonie spreads the love........

14 February 2012, 03:03AM |

Not just in the UK but in China too – where he charmed the crowds, gave out flowers and reminded everyone that all bears should be free from cage bars and suffering.


Valentine's Day 2012

14 February 2012, 03:01AM |

Happy Valentines Day - to all who breathe life and love into our beautiful bears in China and Vietnam. Thank you for giving them all their first glimpse of Spring.

Maggie in playful spring mood in Vietnam

Freedom and her Prince

David loves Lamma

Béla loves life!


Moon bear hugs day

14 February 2012, 03:01AM |

With Valentine's Day finally here, Moonie the "Love Bear", as he now likes to be known, has declared today a day of Moon Bear Hugs and is off to spread some love around London. You can catch him in action around 11am beside the statue of Cupid in Piccaddilly Circus, and if you are lucky he might even give you a rose ...


Jasper's conspiracy

10 February 2012, 03:00AM |

Almost every day something in bearland – whether in China or Vietnam – makes us laugh. These bears of ours are the most charismatic and unpredictable creatures on the planet – showing us time and time again how much we really have to learn about their unique characters and never-ending sense of fun.


Campaign to end bear bile tours

04 February 2012, 14:52PM |

Vietnam is fast becoming aware of the laws that protect the bears, with many officials now working closely with our Vietnam Director Tuan Bendixsen. These past couple of weeks are no exception as, together, Tuan and the authorities joined in a public-education programme in Ha Long Bay Vietnam — scene of many bear farmers clearly flouting the law.


Share the love for the bears this Valentine's

02 February 2012, 20:06PM |

Moonie's search for love continues — and I hear that he's closer than ever, but desperately needs your help too. Moonie's greatest wish is that you and your friends will befriend a moon bear for that special person in your life — and only then will our lonely moon bear find love.


Our Valentine Bear

25 January 2012, 02:53AM |

As a very special day of romance draws near, I've just heard about a sad and lonely bear who's looking for love.


Jill's Bio

Jill founded Animals Asia in 1998, after an encounter with a caged bear on a farm in China changed her life forever. She now heads a team of over 300 enthusiastic staff and divides her time between our bear rescue centres in China and Vietnam and our Hong Kong head office. She travels extensively to participate in conferences and speak at fundraising events.

Read more here.