04 December 2015

43,070 stuffed marshmallows, 378 happy bears and the rest of the numbers that mattered in 2015

This year, Animals Asia has been busy – preparing the healthiest snacks known to bears, fighting for the proper treatment of all of Asia’s animals, and waiting for the funny things bear cub Murphy will do next.


03 December 2015

The bear in the picture: Blue

When Blue was rescued in 2005, he still had a hole in his stomach that had been used to harvest his bile.


02 December 2015

The proposed Chinese animal welfare standards – is this the change that we’ve hoped for?

Recently, the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association have announced that they are drafting the country’s first welfare standards for the farming and slaughter of livestock and poultry. The standards, set to be published in June 2016, will not be mandatory – but they will be developed with the support of 30 leading animal farming businesses in China.


30 November 2015

10 acts of kindness that saved Tuffy – the dog who was scalded with boiling water and thrown from a balcony

At the age of just six weeks, Tuffy received the worst abuse we’ve seen a dog endure. But he recovered, and over the past months has grown into a happy and healthy dog. His recovery was helped by the following acts of kindness – which changed a story of cruelty into one of hope.


30 November 2015

Boiled alive and thrown off a balcony – this is how a miracle (and miracle workers) saved a brave dog named Tuffy

As a six-week-old puppy, Tuffy had the shock of his young life – having a pot of boiling water thrown on him for chewing on his former owner’s cell phone.


26 November 2015

Bear who won hearts during live rescue set for eye operation

A balding moon bear called Kay, who had been imprisoned for years in a tiny cage in Vietnam – while suffering painful bile extractions – is set for an eye operation.


25 November 2015

Beautiful Animals Asia gifts for animal lovers

Wondering what to buy the animal lover in your life? You need to see the new Animals Asia range.


24 November 2015

If it looks like animal cruelty, don’t let people tell you it's conservation

Circuses and marine parks have both tried to excuse their abuses by citing conservation. But in reality it is what it looks like – animal cruelty.