Confident cub Smudge’s bright personality
Smudge, the last bear cub bred on Nanning Bear Farm, has delighted carers with her progress over the last few months as enrichment and a healthy diet shine through in her personality.
Smudge, the last bear cub bred on Nanning Bear Farm, has delighted carers with her progress over the last few months as enrichment and a healthy diet shine through in her personality.
Visiting photographer Peter Yuen's shots of Nanning Bear Farm give an overview of the startling progress made by the Peace by Piece project transforming a bear bile farm into a sanctuary.
A third vet trip to Nanning concluded last week with eight bears receiving a thorough examination to rule out potentially life threatening conditions and give immediate pain relief.
Our Vietnam Bear and Vet Team Director explains how you tell more than 100 bears that it's time to go to bed.
As you can see, sometimes it’s tough being a full time moon bear at our Vietnam sanctuary.
Sun bear cub Layla, rescued by Animals Asia, is keeping her carers busy as they attempt to teach her some basic skills for being a bear.
Volunteers - described as “the potential future leaders of China’s growing animal welfare movement” - were brought together for a two-day summer camp at Animals Asia’s Chengdu sanctuary.
Animals Asia’s push to purge Vietnam’s iconic Halong Bay of the blight of bear bile farming is receiving unprecedented support from government, media, locals and tourists.