15 September 2014

#Moonbearmonday: Irwin Jnr is headed for the top

During the Big Moon Bear Move, curiosity got the better of Irwin Jnr as he became the first bear to conquer the highest peak and savour its wonderful view.


15 September 2014

Thousands of Chinese pharmacies reject bear bile products

Animals Asia has announced that over 1,900 Chinese pharmacies have joined its Healing Without Harm programme - pledging to turn their backs on bear bile products.


12 September 2014

James loves his new gift of sight

James, the rescued moon bear who recently had his sight restored by visiting vets, has been revelling in his new world.


11 September 2014

Learning to change the lives of animals

Animals Asia’s work to instil animal welfare principles in zoos across Asia sees experts regularly organise workshops. Recipient Lou Yi tells how the workshop rejuvenated the lives of animals in Hangzhou Zoo.


09 September 2014

Dave Neale: why we work with zoos

As an organisation, Animals Asia is fundamentally against the practice of keeping animals in captivity. Yet, we are best known for our animal sanctuaries and a core component of our programmes is collaborative work with zoos in Asia and further afield. Our Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale explains.


09 September 2014

Momentum builds behind Sh!t in the Woods

Animals Asia’s campaign to end bear bile farming has received a massive push as celebrities and animal lovers pledge their support.


08 September 2014

#Moonbearmonday: Nora JamJack’s jelly belly

Gorgeous moon bear juvenile Nora JamJack couldn’t look more stunning as she uses her long tongue to lick up all the jam and shrimp paste in this bamboo feeder.


05 September 2014

Seeing animals as individuals is key to their welfare

Our Senior Animal Welfare Officer Xin Pei, reflects on the importance of knowledge, education and awareness in his personal journey to understanding the needs of animals and the honour it has been to share it working for Animals Asia in China.