19 October 2018

120 dogs saved as Chinese police bust dog meat gang and accept help to care for the canines

Animals Asia and local welfare groups are working with the authorities to care for 120 dogs after police bust an illegal dog meat racket.


18 October 2018

Having survived the circus and the bile extraction needle, Ingrid just might be the world’s bravest bear

Abused by the circus, a victim of the bile industry, half blind… but when floating in her pool, moon bear Ingrid is still the happiest bear in the world.


17 October 2018

No more rides: Vietnam’s first ethical elephant tours begin

Radical eco-tourism initiative that replaces chains and cruel rides with observation and learning is a huge hit.


16 October 2018

Animal shelter beatings: latest scandal must convince Chinese authorities to accept help

After worker is filmed beating dogs in a shelter, Animals Asia again invites provincial government to attend animal management workshops.


12 October 2018

Time and again, this moon bear beat the odds – but last month his luck ran out

Destined for a life of cruelty on a bear bile farm, rescue meant moon bear Harvey’s 16 years of sanctuary far outweighed his four years of suffering.


11 October 2018

Miomojo Cub House: Coconut Day in the cub club

In sanctuary, young bears are kept entertained with new experiences and much-loved activities – and few are so keenly anticipated as Coconut Day.


05 October 2018

Foreign tourists fuelling animal cruelty in Vietnam’s tourism industry

Investigation into Vietnamese tourist company exploiting endangered species reveals foreign tourists are a mainstay of the audience.


05 October 2018

#MoonBearMountainRescue: Traumatised bear rescued last week still doesn’t realise she’s safe now

A week on from her dramatic rescue from a bear bile farm, moon bear Sky remains scared and untrusting of the people trying to help her.