10 July 2018

Vietnam gets serious about wildlife crime with double launch of books designed to end bear bile farming

Media and government officials were in Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Vinh Phuc province Tuesday to mark the launch of two publications designed to help the country eradicate bear bile farming.


06 July 2018

PETITION: Net is closing on animal performance as calls for ban intensify

With accusations of wildlife crime yet to be answered, calls for an animal performance ban in Vietnam grow louder.


29 June 2018

Olsen Animal Trust ensures long-suffering bears can enjoy pain-free futures

Generous donation from the UK charity will fund vet care for nearly 200 bears rescued from China’s bear bile industry.


28 June 2018

State rescue centres upgraded as Vietnam prepares to end bear bile farming

As the government’s official partner in the campaign to end bear bile farming, Animals Asia revamps rescue centres and trains staff in bear care.


26 June 2018

Miomojo Cub House: From tiny cub to teenage birthday bear – watch rescued sun bear orphan turn three

Rescued at just a few months old after poachers killed his mother, Murphy is still the cutest, most mischievous bear we’ve ever known.


25 June 2018

#MoonBearMonday: Rescued bears know exactly how to deal with a heat wave – sleep and swim!

With summer temperatures regularly reaching the high-30s, wrestling is out, while hammocks, swimming and sleeping in the shade are in.


21 June 2018

People, power and positivity: How we built a grassroots movement against dog meat cruelty

Animals Asia mentors or funds 60% of all animal welfare groups in China, because we know working together is the only way to succeed.


20 June 2018

Under pressure circuses say they will end wild animal performance – but ban is still vital for Vietnam

In response to Animals Asia’s call for a ban and allegations of illegality and widespread abuse, circus bosses say they plan switch to domestic animals.