Think China doesn’t care about animals — these incredible young people will change your mind
China’s caring, courageous animal lovers are making their voices heard.
China’s caring, courageous animal lovers are making their voices heard.
On the cruelty of bile farms, her pride at the rescuing 600 bears and the incredible animal lovers helping her end bear bile farming.
Rescued moon bear Zebedee was escorted into a local army hospital to use specialist equipment after suffering from coughing fits.
Advertisements have appeared in cities across China informing people to think before they eat — their meal could be someone’s family member.
We know moon bears are incredibly intelligent animals, but Amara’s ability to work out this contraption took our breath away.
Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson tells how dogs are helping the young, old and sick in China and in doing so helping end the dog meat trade.
Meet the dogs that enjoyed 10,000 tummy tickles to help end China’s dog meat and bear bile industries.
On bile farms, bears can live with severe pain for decades — meet the heroes that make it stop.