Moon bears demonstrate dismantling decorations
07 January 2015
This week is traditionally time to pack away your Christmas decorations – but at our Vietnam sanctuary neither tree nor decorations lasted that long.
In fact our bears took great delight in dismantling tree and decorations on the very same day they were put up.
When the bears at our Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre discovered their Christmas presents under the tree, they didn't wait for the 12 Days of Christmas to pass. Instead they started tearing down the tree straight away.
The happy bears explored the edible novelties that had appeared in the enclosure and together they feasted on tasty treats hidden in the presents and baubles.
It wasn't long before every last morsel was consumed – including the tree – and many of the younger bears started wrestling or finding new uses for the cardboard boxes and wrapping paper.
For fans of tinsel and twinkling lights it can heart-breaking to see the last remnants of the festive season disappear, but we hope these unseen photos of the Vietnam moon bears' Christmas party will make the process a little easier.
See all the photos at Animals Asia's Flickr account.