#Moonbearmonday: Jenoe’s simple pleasures
06 October 2014
Happy #moonbearmonday everyone!
These shots of Jenoe enjoying his large new enclosure at our Vietnam sanctuary are full of joy.
His long tongue is the perfect tool for getting every last tasty nut or piece of delicious dog food out of this puzzle ball.
As the last rays of summer beat down on our sanctuary in the north of Vietnam, Jenoe couldn't look more comfortable, lying on his back and letting gravity do the work of bringing the final delicious few pieces to his taste buds.
Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE said:
"These shots made us all smile. To see the delight on Jenoe's face as he plays freely on the grass – that's the real pleasure."
Hope you have a great #moonbearmonday and a fantastic week.
NB: Animals Asia would like to thank Aussie Dog for supplying these excellent puzzle balls which our moon bears clearly love.