Animal selfies break our heart — here’s how we stop them
Animal performances continue at China’s zoos and safari parks despite a national ban. Animals Asia is changing attitudes of those behind the cruelty — and those who watch.
Animal performances continue at China’s zoos and safari parks despite a national ban. Animals Asia is changing attitudes of those behind the cruelty — and those who watch.
Bonded by a sad history, rescued moon bears Xin Xin and Nora JamJack have become close friends — no matter where they are.
Sun bear pals Murphy and Goldie have moved to a new, larger enclosure at Animals Asia’s sanctuary — and they’re just so happy.
Moon bear Bao Lam was rescued from a circus where her 11 friends died — soon she’ll step outside for the first time in years, but first — her own pool.
How heroes are taking dogs into China's classrooms and orphanages to prove that dogs truly are man's best friends.
Some wood, a bit of bamboo and an old fire hose — it’s amazing what you can use to help bears be bears.
Primary school students Gao Gao, Chuan Chuan and Xiao Qian, were so moved by Animals Asia’s Dr Dog programme they put everything they had into saying thank you.
Wildlife trafficking remains an acute issue in Vietnam with the country having become a hub for the wildlife trade in recent years.