Say no to goat selfies this New Year

12 February 2015

The Goat is Coming!

Animals Asia is advising those celebrating the lunar New Year not to be lured by traders using goats to promote their business.

As the Year of the Goat – also known as the sheep or ram – approaches, we are receiving reports of malls and shop owners in Asia offering photo opportunities with live goats.

One shopping centre in Hong Kong caused controversy last week when two young goats were offered as props for “selfies”, with passersbys also encouraged to feed the animals.

Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Education Manager Karina O’Carroll said:

“As cute as the animals are we should remember that they should not be used for entertainment. The promotion of them as anything other than living, breathing, feeling, sentient beings is inherently irresponsible.”

Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson said:

“We always advise people to be wary of so-called photo opportunities that involve animals. Whether it be monkeys or parrots in tourist spots or new year stunts – these animals are plunged into an unfamiliar and frightening public arena that causes them unimaginable stress. From an animal welfare point of view it has to be the worst way possible to start a new year."