Caged side by side for 15 years - these rescued moon bears just met
13 July 2015
Happy #MoonBearMonday everyone!
Recently rescued from a bear bile farm in Vietnam’s Ben Tre province, moon bears Coco and Yogi share a truly special bond.
In the 15 years they spent suffering bile extraction, they were held side by side in tiny cages. They suffered together, yet achingly apart. Through a decade and a half of agony, they could only watch and call out to each other – forever unable to give each other a comforting touch.
But following their rescue by Animals Asia and a period of quarantine, the bars have gone and their world has increased immeasurably.
Last week, these oldest of friends truly met for the first time in their den. And it was beautiful.
Animals Asia Vet Nurse Lisa Brailey, who was with Coco and Yogi for every kilometre of the epic five day journey up the entire length of Vietnam’s astonishing coastline, said:
“It’s been a privilege and delight to watch Coco and Yogi grow healthier and happier every day they’ve been at the sanctuary. I was lucky enough to observe the moment they were finally able to meet properly after 15 years of silently watching each other’s suffering. That moment was instant love. Immediately they began to play and wrestle like the oldest of friends and they didn’t stop until they were both exhausted and laid down for a nap.”
Jill Robinson, Animals Asia, founder said:
“The next step will be for these two long-suffering animals to be introduced to an outdoor enclosure packed with grass, trees, climbing structures and toys. These bears have known nothing like it since they were poached from the wild and their introduction will be handled with the utmost care to reduce stress. We have to be patient just a little longer till we see Coco and Yogi out in the sanctuary they deserve.”
But for now, let this happy reunion brighten up you and your friends’ #MoonBearMonday.