Join in our Bear Hugs for Bears and help us end bear bile farming
08 April 2016
Help us get the whole world hugging this May to raise awareness of the thousands of bears trapped in tiny bile farm cages in parts of Asia.
These tortured bears can’t even enjoy their most basic of behaviours. But by joining Bear Hugs for Bears, you’ll be showing the world how all bears should be free to behave, and helping us bring this barbaric industry to an end.
And you won't be alone!
You’ll be joining a long list of celebrity supporters like Matt Sorum, Olivia Newton-John, and Lesley Nicol and we’re anticipating that more will join once the fun starts.
It’s all happening from May 2-9. Visit and see how you can help. Host a Hugfest, send a virtual bear hug, buy a T-shirt or make a donation.
And make sure you help raise awareness by sharing your activities online.
A hug can turn foes into friends, fear into comfort, anger into empathy. By being part of Bear Hugs for Bears, you’ll be helping to bring the world a little closer, and bringing us a little closer to ending the shocking bear bile industry.
Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson said:
“It’s become an Animals Asia tradition that each rescue ends with a group ‘bear hug’. It’s part celebration and it’s part therapy. Because what we have seen in bear bile farms we can never forget. This cruelty is grotesque and unnecessary and it must end.
“Our hugs are a brief break from this horror. A few seconds comfort within this incredible global community of animal lovers. Hug, smile and remember the 400 bears in our sanctuaries, rescued from the bile industry - literally hugging and wrestling their friends in the sunshine.”
Animals Asia has rescued almost 600 bears from the bear bile trade and continues to care for almost 400 at sanctuaries in China and Vietnam.
There are still over 10,000 bear facing daily extractions in bile farm cages in China. There are around 1,200 more in Vietnam. The bile is used in traditional medicine.
Go to today and find out how you can get involved and help end bear bile farming.