Lesley Nicol returns to celebrate bear rescue progress
09 June 2015
One year on from her life-changing visit to a bear farm in Nanning, China, the scene of the world’s biggest ever bear rescue, Animals Asia’s UK Ambassador, Lesley Nicol, is overjoyed at the progress.
In 2014, Animals Asia took over a former bear bile farm in Nanning, China and in doing so rescued bears that would have been destined for circuses or other bear bile farms.
Downton Abbey star Lesley Nicol’s first trip to Nanning Bear Farm in the early days of the rescue was characterised by tears of sorrow, as she saw for herself bears suffering from a lifetime of appalling bear bile farm conditions.
But it was a different story this time.
Lesley was amazed to meet den after den housing 124 healthy, happy bears.
In the past 12 months Animals Asia has been able to provide vet care to all 73 adult bears on site – freeing them from a litany of agonising conditions.
The charity also implemented a healthy diet, enrichment regime and even had paddling pools installed for every bear to provide both entertainment and relief from Nanning’s soaring summer temperatures. The next step is to construct an outside enclosure for these bears.
During the trip Lesley met moon bear Derek, who is sponsored by Ricky Gervais.
Lesley Nicol said:
“Ricky, you’d be amazed to see the difference in [Derek]. He still has his problems but he’s a much, much happier bear.”
Lesley even had time to help some of the bears cool off by giving them the relief of a cold shower.
Lesley also made her return journey to Animals Asia’s Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre, 1,250 km away – her third trip to date.
Once again she immersed herself in the world-class facilities that set the standard that the Nanning bears will eventually enjoy.
Lesley said:
“Once you hear about bear bile farming the horror of it never leaves you – for me the only way to combat the sheer awfulness of it all is to see the bears that have been rescued and the lives they live now thanks to Animals Asia.
“To come back and see the progress and to meet old friends is incredible. I’m getting to know the bears well, and seeing them, of course, how they should be seen – as individuals. It’s unthinkable that anyone could be cruel to these magnificent animals.”
Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE said:
“Once again we’re beyond thrilled to see Lesley on site. She is just the most caring, big hearted woman who has huge compassion for the plight of the bears who have suffered so much for a completely unnecessary industry. Lesley was literally almost mobbed when she arrived, by enthusiastic staff so grateful for her on-going support, enthusiasm and determination to help end the cruelty.
“The Nanning project has been a huge challenge and the whole of Animals Asia is indebted to Lesley for all she’s done to help us. We took on 132 bears – many of who were very sick and, with incredible support, we’ve turned around their lives. It’s something that’s never been done before. There remains 124 bears and now that they’re increasingly fit and healthy the next stage is to get them out into the sunshine. We’re currently looking at options of moving some or all of the bears and either building a sanctuary on site or further developing our Chengdu sanctuary to accommodate them.”
In China over 10,000 bears continue to be kept in tiny cages facing painful daily extraction for their bile – which is used in traditional medicine. Animals Asia has rescued over 500 bears in China and Vietnam.