PICS: Rescued moon bear Angus just wants the sun
31 August 2016
Hilarious pics show that moon bear Angus is a sun bear at heart.
Rescued as a tiny cub - sun worshipper Angus was destined for a bile farm until he was rescued not far from the Chinese border.
He’s grown up at our Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre. It’s seven years since he arrived. Thankfully unlike many bears on the sanctuary he has never known a day’s pain.
But he has known many hundreds of days of sunshine.
His disruptive pal Sharky was also rescued near the border. His previous bile farm “owners” from Halong Bay had attempted to traffic him over the border to China. Thankfully the Police apprehended them and Sharky came home to our sanctuary instead.
And most of the time he has plenty of moon bears to chat to.
Animals Asia has rescued almost 600 bears from the bear bile industry and continues to care for almost 400 at sanctuaries in China and Vietnam.