Stories from the Sanctuaries: Wang Run’s incredible pics
25 February 2014
Thanks to the many hours spent watching over the bears, staff at our sanctuaries in China and Vietnam have many tales to tell, not to mention pictures and movies to share. In the first of our Stories from the Sanctuaries features, Wang Run shares his incredible pictures.
Animal lover, budding photographer and bear worker at Animals Asia’s China Bear Rescue Centre, Wang Run’s photography provides some of the most natural, playful shots of moon bear life we’ve ever seen.
Having spent the last few years working in our Chengdu sanctuary looking after the bears in various houses, Wang Run is perfectly placed, day in day out, to capture the bears on film.
Wang Run says of his time with Animals Asia:
"Working at the sanctuary, I’ve learned a lot about animal welfare, and have come to realise that not all animals are happy and free, so I want to do all I can to help them."
"When I just started working at Animals Asia’s centre, the place was completely different from what I had expected. I didn’t know anything about bears. They were a bunch of mischievous little kids in my eyes then. Now, after a few years contact with them, they are my mischievous little kids!"
Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson MBE said:
“There are so many talented people working for Animals Asia and so many special skills continue to emerge. We learn from each other and together we work towards a joint goal. Many of our staff knew little or nothing about animal welfare before coming here and have learned so much from colleagues and through simply caring for the bears. Watching the bears recovering, being rehabilitated and seeing their personalities emerge – what better way to learn?
“Wang Run’s pictures are remarkable. The relaxed bears he captures on film are not only testament to his skill as a photographer but also to his and our entire team’s work in providing good management and care. Our bears are happy bears but, just as importantly, they are loved bears. ”