TRAILER: Movie set to tell Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson’s story
15 August 2016
This autumn Jill Robinson’s story will be told in a new documentary entitled To the Moon and Back - detailing her work to rescue bears and end animal cruelty in Asia.
Jill Robinson founded Animals Asia in 1998 and since has rescued almost 600 bears from the bile industry where bears are caged and face regular, painful extractions for use in traditional medicine. Over 12,000 bears remain caged by bile farms in China and Vietnam alone.
Jill and Animals Asia’s work also extends to ending the consumption of dogs and cats, and helping the plight of animals in captivity.
The one hour documentary is directed by Andrew Telling of Orange Planet Picture - a long time supporter of Animals Asia. The project has been in development for almost two years. The team recently spent ten days at the Animals Asia’s China bear rescue sanctuary - seeing for themselves Jill’s day-to-day world.
Andrew said:
“The world needs people like Jill and they need to see her, become inspired by her and hopefully act in the gracious, peaceful and intelligent way she has. The news is full of incidents of animal cruelty at the moment and now, more than ever before, people are looking at the issue more intently and seriously. Jill Robinson is a true and genuine inspiration.
“It’s breath-taking to learn how she’s tackled a politically and socially charged nation to effect change on a magnificent scale. China is a vast country but news of her work has reached people and moved them - there is now widespread awareness of this cruelty and the vast majority of Chinese people want it to end. Barraged by images of cruelty it’s easy to feeling inert, defeated and non-empowered but Jill’s story is proof that one, ordinary person can make real change.”
The film is presented and narrated by the UK Ambassador, Peter Egan and includes contributions from Animals Asia friends and ambassadors like rock musician Matt Sorum, actor Lesley Nicol and animal welfare legend Virginia McKenna.
The two and a half minute trailer includes beautifully filmed scenes of Animals Asia’s Chengdu sanctuary where over 100 bears are cared for.