Peter and Shamrock’s mixed reaction to new friends
26 May 2014
Inseparable moon bears Peter and Shamrock have welcomed new friends into their lives, but one of them is finding it difficult to share.
The moon bear duo spent most of their lives cramped in tiny cages a few meters from each other before being rescued in Animals Asia’s New Year Rescue 2013. Post rescue, Peter and Shamrock were integrated together and formed a tight bond in a private enclosure.
Now they’ve finally been integrated with the other bears in the CBRC's house 7, and while they are certainly enjoying their more spacious surroundings, Shamrock remains very jealous of any attention that Peter receives.
Staff handled their integration delicately as both bears – particularly Shamrock – have been food obsessed. With this in mind, integration was delayed till after both autumn, when hunger drives increase, and the winter dormancy period.
Animals Asia Bear and Vet Team Director China, Nic Field said:
“As with all new introductions we introduced one bear at a time over several weeks, beginning with the friendliest in the group. Jonah was first and he and Peter were very curious about each other, however Shamrock was very obsessive over Peter and did not want to share him, showing her emotions with a lot of vocalising.”
As the Chengdu sanctuary bear team persevered introducing new bears, Shamrock continued to respond with loud calls and occasionally aggressive behavior. Peter on the other hand was cautiously curious about his new companions and when given the opportunity would exchange sniffs with each of them.
Nic Field said:
“Shamrock was a concern in the first few weeks with her constant vocalizing. Thankfully she gradually got calmer with each passing day and has enjoyed the entire enclosure including splashing with delight in the pool. It’s not a happy ending yet – she still isn’t getting along with Chica and Jonah, but she is adjusting. Peter has been great, a little nervous understandably, but he is gaining confidence and has enjoyed some playful wrestling with Jonah and Teddy.”
“As the enclosures get greener and the bears’ activity continues to increase we’re all looking forward to seeing both Peter and Shamrock venturing further and further afield, exploring what their big enclosure and new friends can offer them.”