20th Anniversary: An exclusive gift for YOU, the people making change possible
21 December 2018
It’s our anniversary and we’re celebrating!
In honour of Animals Asia’s 20th anniversary, we’re giving away an original song celebrating 20 years of ending bear bile farming, fighting the cat and dog meat trade, and advocating animal welfare across Asia.
Inspired by our US-UK Ambassador Lesley Nicol’s trip to our sanctuary in Chengdu, China to visit our rescue bears, Lesley has co-written The Moon Bear Song along with award-winning American songwriter, Mark Mueller.
Lesley Nicol said:
“The song is about what the animals have to endure on the farms before their lives are transformed and they get back to their home in the sanctuary.”
The gift is available via download absolutely free, with supporters encouraged to donate US$20 or more in honour of this very special 20th anniversary – US$1 for every year Animals Asia has been working to end animal cruelty.
Animals Asia Founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE said:
“It’s an absolutely beautiful and poignant song that is sure to tug at the heartstrings. We are so touched and honoured that Lesley and Mark have co-written this song about our bears so that we, in turn, can gift it to the people around the world who make the work possible.
“Thank you, you lovely people, so much for staying with Animals Asia over these last 20 years to help not just with the moon bears but all animals of Asia, until the cruelty ends.”
Animals Asia works to end the bear bile trade, which sees more than 10,000 bears kept on bile farms in China and approximately 800 in Vietnam. To date, the charity has rescued more than 600 bears, caring for them at their award-winning sanctuaries.
Animals Asia also works to end the trade in dogs and cats for food in China and Vietnam, advocates to improve the welfare of companion animals, and promotes humane population management.
The charity also campaigns for an end to abusive animal practices in zoos and safari parks in Southeast Asia, and works closely with governing authorities to improve animal management and increase awareness of the welfare needs of captive animals.