A decade on from rescue moon bear Abracadabra is having a ball
12 December 2016
Poor Abracadabra suffered unimaginable cruelty on a bear bile farm, but 10 years on from her rescue she’s still making the most of every moment.
In 2005, moon bear Abracadabra’s suffering finally came to an end. An Animals Asia rescue team arrived to free her from the Chinese bear bile farm where her body had been mutilated.
She had been strapped into a “full metal jacket”, a medieval suit of iron, designed to hold her broken body in place so that her bile would continuously drip out a pus-riddled catheter in her abdomen.
Upon rescue, her gall bladder – which produces the bile so prized by traditional medicine – had to be surgically removed. It was simply too mutilated and diseased to continue functioning.
That was the beginning of Abracadabra’s new life. For more than a decade she has known only peace, comfort, love and friendship at Animals Asia’s China Bear Rescue Centre.
Animals Asia Vet Emily Drayton said:
“Abracadabra has been making the most of her life since her rescue and really enjoying the friendships she has forged.
“Every winter she goes into semi-hibernation, and bunks down with her best friend Pixie. This year, as the days grow short and cold, Abra has been seeking out her best friend, and they have frequently been seen nesting together.
“In the past they have spent months, wrapped around each other, sharing their collective warmth, sometimes inviting other bears to join.”
Happy #MoonBearMonday everyone!