Bear Hugs for Bears Week is here to stay!
09 May 2016
Thousands of huggers across the world have made sure that Animals Asia’s Bear Hugs for Bears Week is here to stay.
Save the first week in May 2017 because it’ll be hugging time again. We’ll be asking you to share the awful truth about bear bile farming - and share a hug too.
The decision to make Bear Hugs for Bears an annual event was taken after the fantastic response in the past week.
Celebrities like Ali MacGraw, Lesley Nicol, Moby and Karen Mok gave their hugs to the cause while, across the world, Animals Asia supporters hugged in their thousands.
In Australia celebrity vet Dr Katrina Warren appeared on The Morning Show and wore her event t-shirt - and received hugs from hosts Kylie Gillies and Larry Emdur.
Olivia Newton-John also pledged an Animals Asia hug for her concert this week in Hong Kong.
Over 78 hugfests were registered with supporters serving morning teas, baking cupcakes, holding jumble sales, flea markets, workouts and even hosting hug-a-thons.
The hugs continued at our China sanctuary - with Project Director Boris Chiao taking the lead. Meanwhile Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson was surprised on her birthday at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre with a vegan cake and lots and lots of hugs.
In Hong Kong, Animals Asia office staff and Moonie the Moon Bear took to the streets to raise awareness and share the love with lots of hugs and high-fives for passers by.
Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson said:
“When I first started campaigning against bear bile farming in 1993 - it was a total secret. So few people in Asia knew about the cruelty behind the bile, and internationally there was zero knowledge of it too. Since then we have been able to make it an international issue – and we have done that thanks to the incredible support of people who have been as shocked by this terrible industry as we are.
“Bear Hugs for Bears will be an annual week where we continue to spread the word and remember the bears living in pain in tiny cages. We want the whole world to hug and to know the horror that is happening.
“If I could hug everyone who took part this week, I would. It’s been overwhelming to see the support of people who are championing the bears with hugs. Thank you - together we will end bear bile farming.”
Over 12,000 bears remain trapped in tiny cages in bile farms in Asia. Their bile is used for traditional medicine.