Rescued bear spared a cage spends days rolling in leaves like no-one is watching
21 November 2016
Gorgeous Wang Cai is famous for climbing trees, but now he’s found a new way to get his fix of fresh tasty leaves.
Moon bear orphan Wang Cai has branched out from tree-climbing and realised sometimes the leaves come to him.
When he found a stack of freshly fallen branches, the youngster quickly realised he’d stumbled on moon bear gold and started rolling in the treasure as if he hadn’t a care in the world.
When just a cub, Wang Cai was discovered wandering with sister Holly by villagers in China’s Yibin province. The locals protected the youngsters but as they grew into juveniles they realised more expertise was needed and called Animals Asia.
For the last four years, the rambunctious bears have grown into the healthy adults we love today – never having known the horror of bear bile farming.
Animals Asia’s China Bear and Vet Team Director Nic Field said:
“There isn’t a day that goes by without Wang Cai making someone at the sanctuary smile and laugh. He’s such a bright, inquisitive, fun-loving bear. To think he could have ended up trapped for life in a bile farm cage is too awful for words. Thankfully, our sanctuary gave him the chance to live out his life in peace, playing carefree with his sister and other bear friends.”
Happy #MoonBearMonday everyone!