#Moonbearmonday: Valentine’s couples
09 February 2015
Happy #moonbearmonday everyone!
Valentines’ Day is just around the corner, and it seems that Cupid has been popping up at our Vietnam and China sanctuaries if the amount of super cute moon bear couples is anything to go by.
Take this gorgeous pair for instance. These two bears spent an afternoon whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears – moon bear style!
To celebrate Valentine’s Day and the strong bonds many of our moon bears form, this week we’ll showcase some of our sanctuaries’ most inseparable couples and the heart-warming stories they share.
You’ll get to meet Mama and Moggy, best pals Olly and Mausi, Bluebelle and Sepp and of course, Precious and her bestie Manuka.
You can vote for your favourite couple by liking, sharing or commenting on their picture. The couple with the most interaction at the end of the week will become our Moon Bear Valentine’s Couple. Then we promise to send our intrepid camera person to take a spread of pictures of the chosen, very happy couple.
Now all that’s left is to follow this bear’s lead and blow a raspberry in your loved one’s ear this #moonbearmonday!