Sanctuary Appeal hits target thanks to bear lovers worldwide
04 July 2016
Our sanctuary appeal has hit its US$220,000 target and the double-your-donation offer means US$440,000 of funds have been raised to help us continue vital work to help animals.
That includes nearly 400 rescued bears who will benefit from the love and support shown by people throughout the world, as well as the Olsen Animal Trust who kindly matched their donations.
Animals Asia’s founder and CEO Jill Robinson has paid tribute to the incredible generosity of supporters who came together to ensure these bears have a future:
“The bears have been through hell on bile farms. Repeated painful extractions, no room to move, inadequate foul diet and boredom that is beyond imaginable. We know how bad their lives have been and and we are blessed to have supporters who understand this too. We also know we have a debt to these bears and that they deserve to live out their lives happy and at peace among the beautiful nature of our sanctuaries.”
The amount raised was doubled thanks to the Olsen Animal Trust who recently returned from a visit to China and Vietnam – where they were able to see for themselves the horror of bile farms and the progress that is being made to close them down. The Olsen Animal Trust supports organisations which share their vision of ending animal cruelty and exploitation.
Jill added:
“We are surrounded by bear lovers. People who love these beautiful animals every bit as much as we do. The great generosity of the Olsen Animal Trust and our supporters has left us so thankful. It’s you who give these bears their future of lifelong care. A future that they never could have dreamed of when they were locked away in misery for so many years. For that, we just can’t thank you enough.”
The Sanctuary Appeal ends today but Animals Asia continues to look for much-needed bear sponsors prepared to make a long term commitment to a bear. If you’d like to make that commitment - click here.