These sleepy bears are the cutest thing you’ll see today
20 February 2017
After bile farm terror comes the peace of sanctuary for rescued bears, a peace many of them choose to spend fast asleep.
On bile farms, bears are kept in tiny cages for decades. They never leave, never interact with other bears, and have no opportunities to express their natural instincts.
Once rescued, all of this changes. At Animals Asia’s sanctuaries in China and Vietnam they roam freely around their grassy enclosures, they can spend time with other bears whenever they choose, and most vitally they can express their natural bear instincts.
One such instinct is the natural slow down which occurs in winter. Moon bears experience “winter dormancy” – a kind of semi-hibernation – during which they will eat less, be less active and sleep much more than normal. At Animals Asia’s sanctuaries, they are given every opportunity to do so and to see them sleep so soundly is a true pleasure.
Happy #MoonBearMonday everyone – enjoy a lie-in if you can!